☾⚝✧⚬⚊✾Boundaries & Stances✾⚊⚬✧⚝☽

Okay, this is gonna be a long one, so we're going to split this up into categories.

Gender & Sexuality Related

-Anti-TERF/FART/"Gender Critical"/"Radfem"/Whatever Other Crap They Wanna Call Themselves
-Pro-Non-Dysphoric Transness
-Pro "Contradictory" Labels Such as Lesboy


-Pro Endogenic Systems
-Pro Created Systems
-Mostly Neutral on the Usage of the Term Tulpa/Tulpagenic (it is not our place to decide)
-Anti "Transplural"/"TransDID"/etc (experiences are valid, term is not)

Other (I ran out of categories lol)

-Pro All Safe, Consentual Kinks (But please keep them away from us, we are bodily a minor)
-Anti Radqueer & ALL Variants (if it is under the rq umbrella we dont like it)
-Pro Self Diagnosis
-Anti TransX/TransID
-Pro-Therian, Otherkin, Otherhearted, etc
-Pro-Age & Pet Regression
-Free Palestine
-Pro-Reclaiming Transspecies (as it was never a rq term in the first place) And Other Terms They Stole